Melissa tagged me with a "7 random things" bit, but if you know me, I'm sort of an open book. If you don't know me then you are much safer that way! However, I am going to take the tag thrown to me by Classic Mama, which is a modified version of Melissa's tag.
7 of my top favorite movies (not in any particular order either):
#1. Hoodwinked. The story of Little Red Riding a severely twisted form!! LOVE IT!! Plus, Patrick Warburton is one of the characters and anything that "Putty" says always makes me say "R-I-G-H-T"
#2. Meet the Robinsons. Disney movies can be somewhat predictable at times, but this one was hilarious. "Grandpa" and his arm-hung woodchuck...oh what a hoot!
#3. That Thing You Do. Some movies are pop, and some are too "cult-ish" but this was an obscure one that seemed to keep my attention. Plus, when I began dating Classic (for that week and a half) I quoted lines from the movie to her. She was surprised because, as she said, "I've never met anyone who has seen the movie, let alone memorized it!" I am Sparticus!!
#4. The Princess Bride. No explanation needed.
#5. A Beautiful Mind. This story about Nobel-Prize winner John Nash is absolutely riveting. To see a man struggle with the things he did and overcome them (while not eliminating them) is a great picture of the power we have over the enemy who will always try to distract or defeat us in our journey.
#6. Good Night and Good Luck. The George Clooney directed film is a phenomenally done story of Edward R. Murrow vs. Joe McCarthy in the age of blacklisting. To see a man stand up to the powers-that-be in government and broadcasting to say that they are wrong (and they were) and succeed is such an encouraging symbol of the battle that we should all be fighting...standing up for what is right.
#7. The Count of Monte Cristo. Again, one man fighting against injustice and enduring extreme pain and hardship all the way through to the end. Like Lance Wallnau says, "If you're going through hell, keep walking."