Pay no attention to the previous post that stated that I blog once in a lifetime. I got something to say!
If you see the heading of this post and know me well, then you can rest assured that I am NOT looking for other employment. This is a long "o" in the book just before Psalms in the Bible. If you read the post by my Beloved this morning about the house then you have a good idea about what I am feeling.
I'm going to look at this from a greater perspective, one that Job got to see very clearly. The LORD gives and the LORD takes away! And in the grand scheme of things, this is not even a blip on the "rough situation" radar. Sure it's a sucker-punch of disappointment, but what do we have to worry about? Did this catch God by surprise? Will the un-selling of the house make God any less capable of providing for exactly what we need (and even WANT)? We have been prayerful through this whole situation to a God who answers prayer, and sometimes His answer is "No." Praise STILL be to God!!
1 comment:
I think this was an awesome post. I'm so thankful that you are my husband. I love you!
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